“ | All human hearts are the same—fragile and weak like glasswork. |
” |
— Enmu to himself, Chapter 55
Enmu (
Enmu takes the form of an incredibly pale young man with ringed blue eyes that tilt sharply down towards the sides of his face, the left one of which with the kanji for "Lower Rank One" etched into its iris and a horizontal slat on his right instead of a pupil. He has three square-shaped markings on each of his cheeks, each separated by a smaller square, which fade from green to yellow in color, and straight, chin-length hair of a dark black color which he wears parted to his right, the right side slicked back behind his ear. His hair fades into a red-orange color near the ends, but appears blue at the tips of the two longer, shoulder-length strands that curve upwards and outwards below the base of his neck, from under the rest of his hair.
Enmu wears a long, black button-up coat that arches upwards on either side of his legs so that only the two tails in front and behind fall down below his knees, and a white dress shirt, the cuffs of which appear over those of his coat. He also wears a pair of pinstriped pale gray pants and plain shoes of a similar color.
When Enmu received more blood from Muzan Kibutsuji, his left hand forms a mouth at the back, an eye next to it and most of his fingers have the kanji for Dream (
Enmu is very sadistic in personality, and is noted to enjoy the pain and suffering of humans, his favorite method of torment being giving them a happy and pleasant dream before turning it into a nightmare. He takes pleasure in the suffering of others, enjoying the agonized expressions they make as he tortures them. This sadism even extends to his fellow Demons, as he relishes seeing his fellow Lower Ranks being killed right in front of his eyes.
Like most Demons, Enmu's shown to have little to no care for human life, seeing humans as nothing more than mere pawns, as he doesn't bother to warn his human minions of the various dangers of facing Demon Slayers, simply considering them to be expendable. He also seems to revel in turning humans into his desperate servants by using his power to give them nice and pleasant dreams, before pulling them out and falsely promising to give them more if they help him.
Enmu has also shown to be intelligent and cautious, having complete understanding of his power's strengths and weaknesses and making sure to both exploit and avoid them respectively in order to succeed. However, upon being given more blood and therefore further empowered by Muzan, Enmu seems to have become overconfident, arrogant and greedy, as seen when he begins to act more recklessly to obtain more blood from Muzan in order to properly challenge one of the Upper Ranks to a blood duel in order to take their place.
Rehabilitation Training Arc

The Lower Ranks gathered.
After all of the remaining Lower Ranks gather together at the Infinity Castle, Muzan appears before them in his female form. He regards them with annoyance and tells them to lower their heads and squat in front of him. After they all do so, Mukago utters that she's sorry to have been ordered to bow, as she didn’t recognise Muzan in his current form. Muzan angrily asks why she's speaking without permission, telling her to silence herself and not to talk unless directly asked a question. As she cowers in fear at her feet, Muzan goes on to explain the death of Rui, the only Lower Ranks who wasn't among the ones gathered before him, and asks the remaining Demons why they're so weak.[3]
Muzan lectures them about how being in the ranks of the Twelve Kizuki isn’t the end; it is only the beginning of what is to come. He states their sole purpose is to consume blood so they can be of use to him. Muzan angrily retorts that it has been more than a century since the Upper Ranks were last replaced, yet the Lower Ranks are replaced all the time, to which Kamanue thinks to himself that he can’t just tell them that.[4] Capable of reading the minds of those he has shared blood with, Muzan angrily asks Kamanue why they couldn’t be told that, expanding and extending his arm into a tentacle to grab the Lower Rank by his neck and lift him into the air.

Wakuraba killed by Muzan.
A terrified Kamanue attempts to apologize, but is promptly eaten by Muzan as Enmu and the rest of the Lower Ranks keep their heads lowered in a shocked silence.[5]
Next, Wakuraba thinks to himself that he's also going to be killed, so he needs to do more in order to keep his position as a Lower Rank, and, simultaneously, Mukago thinks about how she runs every time from the very mention of a Hashira. Muzan repeats aloud both of their thoughts, and a terrified Mukago exclaims that what she thought isn’t true and that she would fight with her life on the line for him. Muzan asks her if she is denying what he was saying, and, as Mukago begins to apologize and cry, another bout of Muzan's tentacles crushes her into the ground, killing her.[6]
Shocked by this, Wakuraba immediately assumes the worst and decides it would be a wiser choice to flee than stay if he wanted to keep his life. He dashes out of the Infinity Castle at a high speed, and Enmu, with a sadistic smile on his face, thinks to himself that that was a stupid move to make since Muzan will kill him either way. This conclusion turns out to be correct, as Wakuraba's head is swiftly chopped off, so fast that it leaves him wondering how he even died in his final few moments.[7]

Enmu receiving more blood from Muzan.
As one of the two Lower Ranks left alive, Rokuro then panics, exclaiming that he can definitely still be useful to Muzan if he just defers his death for a little longer. Muzan asks how he would be useful, how long the deferment would last, and how much power he could wield as he was, and Rokuro explains that if he had more of Muzan's blood, he can adapt it and definitely become a strong fighter worthy of his leader. Muzan angrily tosses Wakuraba's head down next to Enmu and Rokuro, asking Lower Rank 2 why he should be given more blood and saying that he should know where he stands. Rokuro tries to protest, but Muzan silences him and says that, since he had attempted to instruct his leader, Rokuro deserved to die. After killing Rokuro, Muzan turns to the last Lower Rank left, Enmu.[8]
When asked for his final words, Enmu expresses joy at Muzan killing him personally and for the suffering of humans and his fellow Ranks, thanking his leader for leaving him until last. Muzan then changes his mind as he glances at Enmu. Enmu is then stabbed by a needle-like appendage in the neck and given a generous amount of Muzan's blood, with Muzan telling him to be useful to him by killing the Demon Slayer Corps' Hashira. Muzan promises that if he kills the demon slayer with Hanafuda earrings, Tanjiro Kamado, Enmu with get even more blood. Enmu is then sent out of the hideout onto a street. Enmu is then given a vision of Tanjiro, his target, which excites him for more blood from Muzan.[9]
Mugen Train Arc

Enmu on his train.
Later, he stands upon the steam engine, remarking that dying while dreaming is a blessing.[10] One of Enmu's hands speaks with the train's conductor about the success of putting the Demon Slayers to sleep and did the same to him. It then addressed the other conspirators, cautioning them about how to proceed with their plan and of its host's temporary inability to move. Back on top of the train, Enmu's main body reflects on his plan to destroy his targets' spirit cores, rendering them completely vulnerable, and of the fragile nature of human hearts.[11] As his plan begins to unfold, he notes his victims' inability to wake up and stop his twisted scheme.[12]
Enmu then notices that his human pawns were having trouble destroying the spirit cores, but decided that it was alright as they were simply buying time.[13] Shortly thereafter, he turns as Tanjiro approaches him, greeting him and stating that he showed him a pleasant dream, but could have made it a nightmare. Smiling, the Demon then tells Tanjiro that his next dream would be of his father coming back to life.[14]

Enmu explains that he fused with the train.
Enmu muses over his enjoyment of first showing humans pleasant dreams and then giving them nightmares, as well as the finer details of his plan, but also wonders how Tanjiro figured out how to wake himself so quickly. He then notices the Demon Slayer's earrings, much to his joy, his thoughts solely on receiving more of Muzan's blood and challenging the Upper Ranks with his newfound strength. An enraged Tanjiro attempts to attack the Lower Rank, but Enmu quickly puts him to sleep. The youth just as quickly breaks Enmu's technique, despite the Demon's multiple attempts, leading the surprised Lower Rank to compliment his determination. His neck is then severed by the furious Demon Hunter, but an unfazed Enmu merely states that he now knew why his leader wants Tanjiro dead, and reveals to the shocked youth the reason for his continued survival: he had fused with the train while they had all slept. Taunting Tanjiro to protect the two hundred passengers inside of him, Enmu's severed head merges into the train.[15]
Thanks to Tanjiro and Inosuke Hashibira's joint effort, they manage to discover Enmu's head and subsequently, behead him by completely cutting off the train's top engine compartment. Enmu, in complete disbelief at his failure, begins to curse all the Demon Slayers, Nezuko, and the Upper Ranks due to being inferior to them in power. As his body slowly disintegrates, he attempts to at least kill the weakened Tanjiro and Inosuke but only failed once more as his body began to crumble faster. While he dies, Enmu begins to further curse his failure and frantically think that the entire debacle to be a nightmare and demanded to have a redo as he finally crumbled to nothing.
Abilities and Powers
Demon Abilities
As Lower Rank 1, Enmu is the strongest Lower Rank and closest to matching the strength of the Upper Ranks. Upon receiving more blood from Muzan, his power and abilities were further enhanced. However, as seen from his defeat at the hands of Tanjiro and Inosuke, he's nowhere near the level of an Upper Rank Demon and so pales in comparison to the likes of Daki, Gyutaro and Kaigaku, the least among the Upper Rank.
- Enhanced Physical Prowess: As a member of the Lower Ranks, he possesses an above average amount of Muzan's blood present in him, augmenting his physical capabilities to a superhuman level.
- Fusion (
列 車 融 合 Ressha Yūgō?): Enmu also displays the ability to absorb and incorporate himself into large, inanimate objects. He's able to assimilate a train and transform it into his main body, planning on eating the over 200 hundred passengers on his new train body.
- Flesh Manipulation: After fusing with the train, Enmu uses this ability to attempt to consume the human inhabitants on board and to attack the Demon Slayers on board.
- Flesh Detachments: Enmu shows the ability to create flesh detachments from his own flesh and blood, being able to create and detach one of his own hands and send it out independent from his main body. Later, upon being given more blood from Muzan, he's able to create a detachment as large as a human body in order to fool others into thinking that it was his real body.
Blood Demon Art (
- Dream Manipulation: Enmu's main ability is his power to enter, manipulate and control someone's dreams. He's even capable of essentially killing someone by destroying their "Spiritual Core" inside the dream, effectively destroying their mind and leaving their body as an empty shell. However, it's to be noted that there's a danger of being affected and possibly mentally changed by the unconscious mind of his victim, as seen when one of Enmu's human agents is touched by Tanjiro's inner kindness and subsequently loses his will to kill him. For this reason, Enmu, instead of entering the minds of his victims himself, always has someone else enter into the target's dream.
- Connecting Rope: Enmu can create a unique kind of rope by using his own flesh, that, when tied to a sleeper trapped inside one of his dreams and an outsider, allowed the outsider into that person's dreams. To enter into the victim's dreams, the outsider would first have to tie both ends of the rope to themself then fall asleep by counting backwards.
- Sleep Inducement: Enmu has displayed the ability to cause people to fall asleep instantaneously either directly or indirectly.
- Sleep Tickets: By mixing in his blood with ink on train tickets, Enmu can put anyone who held them to sleep, thus making them vulnerable to his powers.
- Whispers of Forced Unconscious Hypnosis (
強 制 昏 倒 催 眠 の囁 き Kyōsei Kontō Saimin no Sasayaki?)[16] - A mouth forms on the back of his hand, which tells the target to sleep and forces them to fall asleep. - Eyes of Forced Unconscious Sleep (
強 制 昏 倒 睡 眠 ・眼 き Kyōsei Kontō Suimin - Manakoki?)[17] - Enmu creates dozens of eyes on his flesh on which the kanji for Dream (夢 Yume?) is engraved on their irises, and, upon looking into them, the target falls asleep.
- (To himself): "I must say, I like to show a nightmare after I show someone a good dream. I love to see the contortions of a human face! To gaze upon someone struggling with their grief and suffering—so much fun!"[18]
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Vol. 9, Extra Pages.
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 51 (Page 14).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 51 (Pages 10-18).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 51 (Pages 18-19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 52 (Pages 4-5).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 52 (Pages 6-8).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 52 (Pages 8-11).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 52 (Pages 11-13).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 52 (Pages 14-19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 54 (Page 19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 55 (Pages 2-4).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 55 (Page 19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 57 (Page 16).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 58 (Pages 17-19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 59 (Pages 2-19).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 59 (Page 6).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 61 (Page 14).
- ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 59 (Page 2).